Air cooled chillers (4/122 kW)
Air or water cooled chillers (34/348 kW), versions with integrated free-cooler also available
Adiabatic air cooled chillers (34/348 kW), versions with integrated free-cooler also available
Air or water cooled chillers (195/1100 kW)
Air cooled chillers with integrated free-cooler (195/714 kW), self-draining versions also available
Air cooled chillers (119/714 kW), self-draining versions also available
Adiabatic air cooled chillers (119/714 kW), self-draining version also available
Adiabatic dry-cooler (82/1220 kW), self draining versions also available
Multi-zone thermo-chiller (heating capacity 6/36 kW)
NEW – Hybrid chillers
Dry-cooler (63/920 kW), self-draining versions also available
Water temperature control units (90°C – 3/12 kW)
Water (3/24 kW up to 140°C) temperature control units