No-glycol centralized system to cool down both PP extrusion lines and injection moulds.
In its self-draining version, the TFC allows to avoid on the one hand the use of glycol (which is expensive and highly harmful to the environment) and on the other one the use of heat exchangers (with considerable money savings and a remarkable increase of the cooling capacity) as water coming from the chiller is addressed straight to the use. The risk of icing (deriving, for example, from a production break due to winter maintenance or from a sudden electrical black-out) is avoided thanks to the use of a system able to automatically and completely drain the water into the coils inside a collection tank, thus avoiding the formation of ice.
Cooling of 1,4 MW blown film lines. Customer’s must: safeguard the environment and get the best quality and performances ever.
Pay-back for the higher investment was returned in 10 months.
In the flexographic printing as well as in the lamination processes, the painting applied on a plastic or paper substrate is dried in the “drying tunnel” placed in the upper part of the machine, to prevent the painting from being damaged during wrapping. In the past, the control was made with hot ventilated oil. The boilers are now in disuse and this is why, as in our case, high temperature electric oil heaters are used. The request of our Chilean customer pointed to a unit with diathermic oil providing for 130 kW of heating, with oil at 230°C.
The importance of a proper thermo-cooling in the process of topping and filling of cream into snacks: it is essential the ongoing monitoring of the final product to prevent the food deterioration during production.
Thanks to peripheral pumps with high head and to stainless steel heaters controlled by a safety thermostat, our 3 Flows temperature controllers were found to be absolutely indispensable to our customers to manage the excessive pressure drops of the plants for cream transport.
The manufacture of a Bulangerie is much complex and only the choice of the right partners may grant a good result. A prominent aspect involves cooling, the control of the rising room and the correct cooling of water for the dough, all factors that, together with the right temperature into the rising room help to let the final product be fragrant and scenting.
The project, developed in cooperation with Mecatherm (a leading French company into this field) has three distinct cooling units: 1) Air handling into the rising room by means of direct expansion chillers, 2) Cooling of water for the dough by chiller, tank and exchanger, 3) Cooling of water for the rising rooms.
Supply of three 40 ft containers housing chillers for the production of water destined to the cooling of oil drills. The transfer of the chillers group made with engine and trailer on dirt roads, the likely sandstorms coupled to temperatures sometimes over 55°C called for an in-depth research and for the design and the manufacture of a sturdy and strong structure.
Closed circuit cooling of a test bench to test under extremely hard working conditions, the efficiency of wind and marine turbines.
Units to cool down the mechanical/electric parts of the movers which, due to the friction, get overheated, with particular regard to the inverters giving out the energy produced by the motors of the wind or marine turbines.
When the management of the Italian branch of a Swiss world leading’s company was contacting us, their demand was to cut 30% of energy consumption and 90% of water one (applied to condensate the compressors).
Required targets, in details, were the following:
1. to spend energy exactly where this was required, i.e. to apply different temperatures into the different production depts;
2. to spend energy with the highest efficacy level;
3. to reduce the water consumption as much as possible.
Eurochiller satisfied customer’s demands as follows:
1. supplying special water-cooled, direct expansion ABF units;
2. taking advantage of the Inverter technology;
3. replacing an open cooling circuit (evaporating tower) with an highly efficient, closed circuit system with our ADcooler (adiabatic dry-cooler).
Improvement of comfort, of quality of air and of powder concentration during boring operations.
Improvement of the adverse ambient conditions on site (a limestone quarry), with temperatures above 50°C with R.H. close to 90% which also require a sub-cooled cabinet. We had also to take into consideration the quantity of dust in the air, the voltage peaks generated by the feeding of the quarry generators with 1000V cables, as well as the shortage of rtop-off water in an unattended area, and finally the presence of rodents of the jungle that could damage the (armed) power cables of the chiller.
These inverters control the process fans by sucking hot air which on its turn passes through electro-filters and breaks breaks down the pollutants (sulfur and Co2) present during the clinker burning process. Our AX units have been designed with the logics which is required for the delicate cooling on the inverters,which means: full and complete redundancy of operation and complete monitoring (by PLC) of the machine status and of the correct operation of the whole system.