A step in the chillers functioning has stopped the start-up.Rotate the dail through two phases and re-start the machine.
Check the water pressure level on the side of the chiller, where the water actually enters the pump (located on the pump).
Check that the by-pass is not excessively open.Check that the pump is not working at maximum pressure. These two conditions reduce the water flow.
Check that the by-pass is not excessively open.Check the water supply line.
This alarm illuminates on the control panel when there has been difficulty running water. To continue, re-set the alarm twice.
Excessive static pressure in the tank. Turn off the pump and refill the tank until the pressure reads zero.
The pump water flow is too high and has caused a low pressure environment within the pump. Close the return water valve and regulate the pressure to the correct level
Check that the automatic water flow valve is clean.
This situation is caused by a lack of temperature variation inside the evaporator, normally due to poor circulation of the process fluid. The suggested action to take is to shut down the machine and wait until the unit is completely defrosted.
As the gas is not being chilled, the maximum pressure has been reached. Clean the air filters and eventually the gas condensor using an air blower or by washing with water and a degreasing agent.
The chiller uses a normal pluming size for cooling applications. In cases where the water line is longer than 10/15 meters, it is advisable to re-calculate the size of the plumbing that is available.
The quantity of antifreeze to use depends on the fluid temperature within the unit and the actual environment temperature.
The technical manual gives the exact amount, don’t exceed this amount as it may decrease the output of the chiller.
The suggested products are: glicol monoethylenic, glicol ethylenic. Do not use glicol propyleni.
This is normal. This process maintains a constant gas pressure.
All the compressors have drums that make this sound. This is due to the rotation switching direction during the stop.
Regular maintenance and cleaning can solve this problem or checking that the evaporator is working at peak efficiency.
The main cause is the low level of water entering the process or the increased thermic conditions.
The chiller is not well proportioned for the power needed.
The power output of the chiller is correct for the requested use.
Check that the unit is not functioning using a portion of the compressor; in this case the unit has the impression that the machine is always running.
This alarm is caused by the increased temperature of water that is within the system.
This alarm is caused by the decreased temperature of water that is within the system.